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Unlimited free listings
Basic profile & features
1 featured listing
most popular
Unlimited free listings
Advanced profile & features
Upgrade all listings to featured

Which Plan Suits You?

All plans include free project listings.
Upgrade your plan to increase your reach.
Developer landing page
Free project listings
Previously SOLD projects
(Show off your completed sites)
Coming Soon listings
(Generate early interest)
Suburb featured
Email promotion on launch
Social media promotion on launch
Basic profile & listing analytics
Featured listings
(On platform & Ad Campaigns)
Premium analytics
(Basic + platform & market analytics)
Video section
Testimonial section
On demand marketing campaigns
(Social, email and paid ads)

Frequently Ask Questions

Is the Free plan really $0?
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Short answer, yes! Long answer, we are here to provide Kiwi buyers, who are searching for a new townhouse, with the largest collection of new townhouse listings. With your projects on our platform we can attract the masses and with their attention we can help you sell down your developments. If you want to grow your reach, upgrade to a plan.

Basic vs. Featured Listing?
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You can list your townhouse developments for free on Townhouses.nz. This allows you to get your listings on the map and in front of motivated buyers looking for properties like yours. When you upgrade to featured listings we promote them to targeted audiences through on platform and paid ad campaigns.

How do the plans work?
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No fixed contracts. Month to month plans allow you to control how much reach your listings have on the platform. Annual plans are locked in for a full 12 month period and the free plan is well, free! Compare plans to see which one suits you best.

List Where Kiwis Find Townhouses!

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Monthly plans. Cancel anytime.